
ACL Virden Members Secure Wage Increase with New Collective Agreement

UFCW Local 832 members at the Association for Community Living, Virden Branch ratified a new two-year collective bargaining agreement this week by town hall with a mail-in ballot.

This two-year agreement guarantees $.50 in wage increases over the life of the agreement.

“This is a hardworking, front-line group that provides assisted living to many Manitobans,” said Union Negotiator Phil Kraychuk. “Both the employer and the negotiating committee worked hard together to get a very positive outcome we can all be proud of.”

The Virden Branch of the Association for Community Living (ACL) provides housing to people with mental disabilities. They also provide support to persons with mental disabilities and their families through advocacy, individual consultation, training and information. Our members work with these supported individuals in their daily needs: bathing, eating, recreation, doctor appointments and other daily life challenges.