
Shop Stewards

Shop Stewards are a member’s first contact when facing a work-related concern. They can answer questions about the collective agreement, members’ negotiated benefits or their rights in the workplace.

A shop steward stands at a desk, pointing to a document, while an employer sits at the desk observing.



Shop Stewards can setup a Learner Account and then login to view the upcoming courses they’re eligible to take or register for.

A smiling female grocery worker, with black hair, wearing a black sweater and a pink t-shirt, stands in the produce department.

Course Info

Shop Stewards receive lost wages when they attend training.

Passport Program

All activists will be giving a Training Centre Passport that is kept in the Training Centre and can provide them with incentives to continue their training.

  • Shop Stewards must attend their first two courses in order:
    1. New Steward
    2. Grievance Handling
  • After that, Stewards can take additional courses in any order.
  • Activists who complete courses on webCampus should email their certificate to info@ufcwtraining.mb.ca to have that tracked in their passport.
  • Each course taken after September 2020  is equal to one credit, and members receive a stamp (credit)  for each course they attend.
  • Every five new credits is recognized as a new level and members receive a diploma, letter from our President and a $10 gift card.
    5 credits = level 1
    10 credits = level 2
    15 credits = level 3
    20 credits = level 4 (final level)

Shop Steward Success Story


Shop Steward and Course Facilitator

Charlene has been a UFCW Local 832 member for 30 years, all of them working as a Health Care Aide for Vista Park Lodge in St. Vital. During her time with our union, Charlene has been through two strikes at her workplace, helped with numerous political campaigns, sat on four rounds of negotiations, was a member of the Local’s social committee, is a current Executive Board member and has played an active role as a Shop Steward and Training Centre Facilitator.

Charlene credits former union rep Michelle Massery (who passed away in 2014) as getting her involved. 

“She was our union representative for many years at Vista, later moving into the role of negotiator for two of our contracts… most importantly she was an amazing teacher, having taught me so much in the beginnings of my role as a union steward.”  

Former UFCW 832 Secretary-Treasurer, Bea Bruske, recognised Charlene’s potential in the classroom and invited her to Facilitator Training in 2016. Since then Charlene can be found regularly in our Training Centres in both Winnipeg and Brandon,

“I was also up for the new challenge and glad I was.  I find that the classes bring new perspectives to old issues.” Charlene may be one of our facilitators but she says she too learns a lot in our classrooms, “Learning about the other workplaces and sharing experiences with other stewards during class, are definitely highlights of being a facilitator.”  

For members thinking of becoming more active with our Local, Charlene says classes really help new stewards understand their role, “For newer shop stewards, attending classes at our Training Centre  will help tremendously until experience fills in the blanks.”

Charlene is both a shop steward and UFCW 832 Training Centre course facilitator