
Looking for: Class Facilitators


Our shop stewards and health and safety committee members attend classes through our UFCW 832 Training Centre to help them better serve our members. Did you know that many of those classes are taught by our members?

To be a member facilitator, you don’t need to be a Shop Steward in your workplace – just eager to help make our union stronger! We provide training and support for all of our member facilitators.

To apply, email Erin Selby, Director of Education and Training with all of the information detailed below:

  • Your resume.
    • A 300-word essay explaining why you want to be a facilitator.
    • Mention of any expertise/experience you may have in a particular area. For example, our Indigenous Elder is a former member who helped develop our Indigenous Awareness course!

Apply before 9:00 am on Friday, June 10, 2022 to: erin.selby@ufcwtraining.mb.ca

Only those applicants chosen will be invited to facilitator training.