
Get the shot!

Thankfully, COVID-19 vaccine access is increasing and more and more people are able to do their part by getting their doses. We encourage all members to protect themselves and their loved ones by booking vaccine appointment as soon as their turn comes up. 

Do your part. Get the shot.
UFCW Local 832 President, Jeff Traeger, pictured with his vaccination sticker.

“I got the shot because I want to do my part in getting us out of pandemic mode,” says Jeff Traeger, UFCW Local 832 President. “The sooner we get to a point where we can safely spend time with our friends and families, the better.” 

When more people are vaccinated, it will be harder for the virus to spread. It’s this community immunity that can protect those who can’t be vaccinated like babies and those with weakened immune system.

A go-to resource for vaccine info is www.protectmb.ca which can guide you through checking eligibility and booking. 

To book online, go to www.ProtectMB.ca

  • You will need to create an account to book online.
  • Your can add other people to your account if they need help to book.
  • You need everyone’s Manitoba health card number and an email address. If you do not have a health card, you can book by phone.
  • The online booking tool can only be used to book at Super-Sites. 

To book by phone, call 1-844-626-8222 (1-844-MAN-VACC) 

  • Interpreters are available so you can book in your preferred language. 
  • You do not need a Manitoba Health card or email address to book by phone.
  • You can book for more than one person if you are both eligible.
  • The phone line can be used to book at Super-Sites or Pop-Up clinics. 

To book at a medical clinic or pharmacy:

If you have any questions or concerns about vaccination as it relates to your job, please reach out to your Union Rep to discuss.