
Gate Gourmet members vote yes to new three-year deal

On January 31, UFCW 832’s members at Gate Gourmet ratified their new, three-year collective bargaining agreement. 

Gate Gourmet provides airline catering and provisioning services for airport lounges, convenience stores and related establishments. Gate Gourmet struggled through COVID with almost two years of cancellations for most of the flights they service.

“We had a tough round of bargaining due the pandemic’s effect on this business,” says Joe Carreiro, union negotiator. “We’re happy to see business picking up and most importantly, our members able to secure a fair deal.”

Highlights of the three-year deal include:

  • Reduced wage increments to reach top rate from six to three
  • 3% wage increases in each year of the agreement which range from $1.36 – $4.08 during the term of the agreement
  • Retroactive pay back to July 1, 2022
  • Overall language cleanup throughout the agreement.