
What to do if you have a workplace injury

Get medical help if necessary

Call 911 and contact your supervisor or manager.

Secure the scene and preserve the site

Free any trapped person, and move obstacles to remove hazards, but otherwise leave the site as is. Ensure management is aware.

Contact Workplace Safety and Health

Contact the Workplace Safety and Health(WSH) department
if it’s a serious incident as soon as possible.
Winnipeg: 204-957-SAFE (7233)
Toll-free: 1-855-957-SAFE (7233)

Contact Workers Compensation Board

It is the duty of management to contact the Workers Compensation Board (WCB), however, you have the right to also report your accident, and you should ensure your claim was made.
Winnipeg: 204-954-4321
Toll-free: 1-855-954-4321

Follow step 5 if you work in Retail

Fill out the Workplace Violence Form

If you witness or are involved in a violent incident either from a shoplifter, or a customer, please fill out our Workplace Violence Form. This will let your Union Rep know so they can help you improve safety in your workplace.

If you have any questions, or if you don’t think these steps are being followed, contact your Union Rep!