
UNION Magazine

  • In the June 2011 issue of UNION:

    In the June 2011 issue of UNION:
    • CNIB members make a difference in Nepal
    • Province acts quickly on improving violence in the workplace
    • UFCW Local 832 Golf tournament back for another year
    • Blair Hudson and Marie Buchan tour Northern Manitoba
    • UFCW Local picnic set for Winnipeg.
    • Granny’s grievance resolved
    • Scholarship deadline is June 30
    • Loblaws sees profits rise

    Year: 2011

  • In the May 2011 issue of UNION:

    In the May 2011 issue of UNION:
    • UFCW Canada awards first migrant scholarship winner
    • Secretary-Treasurer, Jeff Traeger discusses building the new UFCW
    • Local builds bond with migrant workers
    • Granny’s Poultry heads to final offer selection
    • 832 members walk with striking CAW Bristol Aerospace members
    • Sister Ellen Olfert receives Stanley Knowles award.

    Year: 2017

  • In the April 2011 issue of UNION:

    In the April 2011 issue of UNION:
    • Why we should pay attention to Wisconsin.
    • Fort La Bosse school division members stick up for each other.
    • Leaders speak at shop steward conference.
    • Mary Johnson’s retirement party raises over $2500.
    • UFCW Local 832 tax service.
    • CNIB members head to Nepal.

    Year: 2011

  • In the March 2011 issue of UNION:

    In the March 2011 issue of UNION:
    • Strengthening the future, over 500 new members joined local 832 last year.
    • Changes to the MFCW dental plan announced.
    • Maple Leaf, Brandon member dreamed of more.
    • Meet Ans Norman, director of mature student diploma program at the UFCW Local 832 training centre.
    • Local 200d and 832 set merger votes continue.
    • Understanding psychological harassment.
    • Granny’s negotiations in deep freeze.

    Year: 2011

  • In the February 2011 issue of UNION:

    In the February 2011 issue of UNION:
    • Leigh Raven wins Beggs-Dowling-Mathieu Scholarship.
    • Changes to MFCW Dental Plan on the horizon.
    • Safeway member, Tony Delahaye strives for customer satisfaction.
    • Income tax service returns for another year.
    • Local 200d and 832 set merger votes.
    • Malteurop members set to go the distance.
    • Inspyre Solutions moves into a new location and grows.

    Year: 2011

  • In the January 2011 issue of UNION:

    In the January 2011 issue of UNION:
    • President Ziegler writes about opportunities and growth in 2011.
    • The union breaks down where your dues money goes.
    • Malteurop members strike over concessions.
    • Maple Leaf Brandon shop steward, Jerry Jiang profile.
    • Arbitrator sides with union on overtime issue.
    • Local prepares for large renovation at Brandon training centre.
    • Negotiations continue at Grace Hospital.

    Year: 2011

  • In the December 2010 issue of UNION:

    In the December 2010 issue of UNION:
    • UFCW loses two great leaders.
    • Longtime union activist Mary Johnson retires.
    • New regulations for workplace safety and health.
    • Bargaining begins with Hewlett Packard.
    • Negotiations brewing with Malteurop.

    Year: 2010

  • In the November 2010 issue of UNION:

    In the November 2010 issue of UNION:
    • Walmart running out of excuses.
    • Springhill Farms member, Liberty Macatimpag embraces new challenges.
    • Marie Buchan named Executive Assistant to the President.
    • Granny’s Hatchery members receive first contract.
    • FASD Life’s Journey negotiations start.

    Year: 2010

  • In the October 2010 issue of UNION:

    In the October 2010 issue of UNION:
    • Manitoba Votes.
    • Two UFCW Local 832 members retire each with 43 years of service.
    • Safeway members vote 98% in favour of protecting pension.
    • Youth Internship Program held in Gimli.
    • Long time union activist, Penny Howlett retires.

    Year: 2010

  • In the September 2010 issue of UNION:

    In the September 2010 issue of UNION:
    • UFCW celebrates EAL graduation in Brandon.
    • CCWIPP makes changes to pension.
    • Local 832 and 227W agree to merge, votes scheduled.
    • Lucerne Bread members ratify new deal.
    • UFCW Local 832 Golf tournament raises $30,000

    Year: 2010