
July 26 Maple Leaf Bargaining Update

President Jeff Traeger gives an update on how bargaining is going. Either watch the video or read the transcript below.

Hi, I’m Jeff Traeger, president of your union, UFCW Local 832 and the lead negotiator for the 2024 negotiations, with your employer, Maple Leaf in Brandon.

So we met, this week, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, the July 22nd to 24th and, had three, I would say productive days at the table, although, a lot of it was just conversations that we were having with the employer about issues in your workplace.

And I have to say, your bargaining committee has been doing an amazing job of bringing examples to your employer about what some of these issues are. They’ve really been speaking up a lot, and it’s really been helpful. In the future, we’re going to have some videos of those committee members, on this webpage for you to look at. So you’ll be able to hear their impression of how bargaining is going from them directly.

We have not yet talked about any monetary proposals, as I mentioned in the last video, those are going to probably be deferred until after September.

We have meetings set up every month, before the end of the year, in September, October, November and December.  And we’re hoping that by the time we get into the October dates, we’re actually talking about the things that matter to you the most things like wages and pension and benefits and premiums, and your entire compensation package at Maple Leaf.

We are on a break now. That’s going to take up until September 9th before we get back to the table. But we have four full days on September 9th, so we’re hoping to make some more significant progress then. After those dates, I’ll come on and give you another video and we’ll start populating the videos from our bargaining committee.

And, stay tuned to this website, for further information and details on bargaining.

Thank you for being involved, and I’ll talk to you in September.
Have a good summer.

Jeff Traeger
President, UFCW Local 832
Lead Negotiator, Maple Leaf Bargaining