
ESIT Canada ratifies a new two-year agreement

UFCW 832’s members at ESIT Canada ratified a new, two-year contract last week that saw each member gain a one-time cost of living lump sump payment of $500. 

“Our bargaining committee member really stepped up for their co-workers,” says union negotiator Phil Kraychuk. “It’s great to see some big gains for this group over the next two years of their agreement.” 

Collective bargaining agreement details include: 

– 5% wage increases in the first year and 3% in the second

– A one-time cost of living adjustment of $500 per member following ratification 

– Increased allowances for a home office

– Increased sick time payouts by 20 hours and added one more day of paid bereavement

ESIT Canada is an incoming call centre that offers assistance and technical support for the clients. Currently they hold a contract with the Government of Manitoba.