Did you know there are two ways to become eligible for paid sick leave?
APPENDIX A-9 page 122 and 123 of your agreement.
Benefit plan booklet available online at https://ufcw832.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/2019-Booklet-October-1-FINAL.pdf
This is a jointly trustee’d Health and Welfare plan which is governed by a Board of Trustees, which is comprised of two representatives from the Company and two representatives from the Union. All part time employees who have worked a minimum of 6 months (regardless of the amount of hours they have worked) are eligible for Tier 1 coverage of this plan. Full time employees and those part time employees who have worked 32 hours or more for 13 consecutive weeks are eligible for Tier 2 coverage under this plan. Tier 2 employees who have not worked sufficient hours to get Weekly Indemnity under the CBA provisions and have used all their Company earned sick leave credits may be entitled to paid leave from the Tier 2 plan. Sick pay is paid at a flat rate and is paid for full and partial days of absence due to illness or non-work related injury.
$70.00 if your hourly rate of pay is $14.00 or less. $90.00 if your hourly rate of pay is $14.01 to $18.00. $110.00 if your hourly rate of pay is $18.01 or higher. For each day that you work less than half of a shift, the Benefit Plan will pay you one-half of the amount noted in the above table (whichever is applicable).
Sick pay claims must be submitted within 45 days following your first day off. Major Medical claims must be submitted no later than April 30 of the year following the year in which the expense or charge was incurred.
Pages 112 to 114 of your agreement:
Full-time employees accumulate 4 hours of sick pay for each month of employment. Part-time employees who have worked an average of 32 hours or more/week during any 13 consecutive week period and have qualified to be covered under this appendix, accumulate sick pay at the rate of 4 hours for each four week reporting period that they work more than 128 hours. Eligible employees can claim sick pay for full and partial shifts. If you are full-time or part-time and qualify under this appendix of your agreement, this is the first plan you apply to when you are absent from work due to illness or non-work related injury. Ask your store manager or bookkeeper for the form. If you are a part time employee, eligible under this appendix of the agreement, but have no accumulated sick leave credits earned or left in your Company sick bank, you may be eligible for sick pay under the UFCW Local 832/Westfair Benefit Plan Health and Welfare Trust Fund.
For more information contact UFCW Local 832/Westfair Trusteed Benefit Plan:
Phone: 204-982-6087
Toll free:1-877-982-6087
Email: winnipeg@pbas.ca
Questions or concerns, please contact your full-time Union Representative