
Want to join the bargaining team for 2023 negotiations with Loblaw?

Open letter to all members working at Loblaw in Manitoba

This year, we will be negotiating the renewal of your contract with Loblaw which includes all Superstore, Extra Foods and No Frills stores in Manitoba. Your contract expires on September 28th, 2023 and as we have done in the past, we intend to complete bargaining by that date.

We expect that this round of talks will be more difficult than usual since it will be our first round since the pandemic began and because of minimum wage increases and inflation.

To begin our preparations for bargaining, we’ll need to select members to be a part of our negotiations committee. All members can apply. These positions are not limited to shop stewards.

If you are interested in being on the Bargaining Committee, you must submit the following information via email to jeff.traeger@ufcw832.com no later than FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2023:

  • Your name
  • Store # and banner
  • Department
  • Why you want to be on the committee

Our Loblaw Reps, your Secretary Treasurer and myself will select committee members based on the submitted details and our union’s desire to have a diverse committee that best represents the geographic regions, experience levels, store banners and departments of our Loblaw members. 

Please contact myself or your full-time Union Representative if you have any questions about this process and thank you for staying involved and keeping your union strong.

In solidarity,

Jeff Traeger
UFCW Local 832