
Resources for Ensuring Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace 

In our General Membership Meeting on November 14, we had Lisa Houtkooper, BN, MN, from the MFL Occupational Health Centre in to speak about mental health. She shared so many resources that we think would be very helpful for our members.

The MFL Occupational Health Centre (OHC) is a community health centre funded by Winnipeg Regional Health Authority and donations. The Centre helps workers, employers, and joint health and safety committees to improve workplace health and safety conditions and eliminate hazards.

Occupational Health Centre

  • blog articles on harassment, burnout, de-escalating potentially violent situations, psychological health and safety in the workplace
  • fact sheets on variety of health and safety topics in multiple languages.
  • Check out our website for all the services that we offer free of charge. 

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health offers fact sheets in multiple languages, topics include:

  • Asking for help when things are not right.
  • What is mental health?
  • What is part of the normal reaction to living in a new country?
  • What are some tips for dealing with stress? 

Multicultural Mental Health Resource Centre

Provides resources in multiple languages to support culturally safe and competent mental health care. 

Canadian Mental Health Association can provide pamphlets and other resources on stress and mental health. 

Mediation Services offers many courses and workshops on different topics at different prices. There is a Free webinar currently available on conflict resolution. Register on the website. 

Wellness Together Canada is a virtual mental health and substance use portal. Services are available 24/7 and free of charge

Safe Manitoba helps with understanding Manitoba’s requirements for preventing harassment at work by SafeWork Manitoba. 

Recommended Books

  • The Burnout Epidemic: The rise of chronic stress and how we can fix it. Jennifer Moss 
  • We are all perfectly fine. Dr. Jillian Horton 
  • Bully Free at Work: What you can do to stop workplace bullying now. Valerie Cade