In the absence of a new offer, the UFCW 832 Bus Drivers working in Winnipeg School Division met this afternoon to start prepping for a strike that will commence on September 8.
The Union met with the School Division in July to attempt to get a fair deal, when they received a final offer that contained the terms of the failed legislation, Bill 28. The Bus Drivers strongly turned down that offer in the first week of August. UFCW 832 presented a new offer with a very fair monetary proposal on August 20. The employer turned down the Union’s offer, and although there were two more days scheduled for bargaining the employer was non-responsive and did not return to the table.
“We truly feel for the parents here, but drivers are constantly being faced with increasing demands with fewer resources and compensation, and when you have an employer that’s being unreasonable, you have to stand up,” said Bea Bruske, UFCW 832 Secretary-Treasurer.
While UFCW 832 bargains with the School Division, it is the provincial terms of Bill 28 that is the issue at stake. Bill 28 was struck down in court, and while the Pallister Government is appealing the loss with taxpayer dollars, these terms are continuing to interfere with fair and meaningful bargaining.
UFCW 832 represents over 90 bus drivers for the Winnipeg School Division. Their current contract expired on June 30, 2019, and the Union has been pushing for a fair deal since October of 2019.