
Union Representatives

Union reps are on call and available 24 hours a day to members who need assistance. Union reps spend as much time as possible at our unionized workplaces, meeting formally or informally with members to discuss concerns and monitor workplace management and working conditions.

Adriana Osegueda

Phone: 204-727-7131, ext. 634

Email Adriana Osegueda

Adriana Osegueda joined the staff at UFCW 832 as a Spanish interpreter and translator in the Brandon office in 2021. She holds a Bachelor of Arts Honours degree in Political Science with a minor in French. During her time in school, Adriana was accredited as an interpreter to practice across Canada. This allowed her to provide professional language services in a wide variety of settings such as courts, hospitals, schools and more. Adriana has taken multiple training programs within the interpretation field.

Adriana worked as a Relief Representative for UFCW 832 before being hired as a full-time Union Representative. She is dedicated to ensuring members fully comprehend their benefits and collective agreement terms, allocating the necessary time and effort to provide them with support.

Andy Spence

Phone: 204-786-5055, ext. 257

Phone: 1-888-832-9832, ext. 257

Email Andy Spence

Andy Spence has been a part of the labour movement for over a decade. He began as a shop steward in his workplace and moved to working as a union representative with Workers United where he was involved in negotiations, grievance handling and connecting with union members for eight years. He joined UFCW Local 832 in March 2024.

A dedicated community activist, Andy has been and is still active on several boards and committees related to work advancing Indigenous rights, supporting youth and improving working conditions.

Loreto Gutiérrez

Phone: 204-786-5055, ext. 210

Email Loreto Gutiérrez

Loreto (she/her) comes from a family of union activism and joined UFCW when working at St. Boniface Hospital, where she was a shop steward. Loreto has taken many opportunities to fight for workers. She worked for the Agricultural Workers Alliance program, advocating for and aiding migrant workers. She also took part in the Young Workers Internship Program, giving her an insight into UFCW organizing, bargaining, and activism. Prior to becoming a union representative in 2024, Loreto was UFCW 832’s organizer and member engagement coordinator.

Watch Loreto’s welcome to the union video.

Headshot of Tyler Ledoux

Tyler Ledoux

Phone: 204-786-5055, ext. 244

Email Tyler Ledoux

Tyler Ledoux became a UFCW Local 832 member while working as a Red Seal Electrician at Viterra. Viterra unionized in 2018 and as a result, Tyler saw firsthand the improvements that the union brought into his workplace. He was a part of the negotiating committee for both of his workplace’s contracts and was a dedicated shop steward, and a health and safety member. Tyler was passionate about representing his fellow colleagues at work and was asked to assist UFCW 832 as a relief rep beginning in 2021.

Dustin Rogers

Phone: 204-727-7131, ext. 629

Email Dustin Rogers

Dustin joined the union in 2013 when he was hired at the Safeway Fuel Station. He quickly saw a need for a lead within his small team of nine employees and stepped up to become the team coordinator and then shortly after, as a shop steward. He’s passionate about helping others and used his one-on-one time at work with co-workers to explain their contract, wages and benefits. In doing so, he supported his colleagues in becoming much more familiar with their rights while creating a better workplace. Throughout the years, Dustin was active on his workplace’s Health and Safety Committee, contributed in two rounds of bargaining, was a participant in UFCW Canada’s Youth Internship Program (YIP) and has continued his commitment to becoming an even stronger advocate by taking many courses from the UFCW 832 Training Centre. Dustin worked on-and-off as a Relief Representative with the union for before being hired as a full-time Union Representative in October 2022.

Watch Dustin’s welcome to the union video.

Hillary Prociw

Phone: 204-786-5055, ext. 219

Email Hillary Prociw

Hillary Prociw has worked at UFCW since November 2012. She started as a member of the union’s administrative staff, spending the majority of her years supporting the negotiations team. Through that position, she worked alongside many union activists and bargaining committees and developed a detailed understanding of the collective bargaining process and contracts. Hillary worked as relief representative for several months before she was hired full-time in November 2022.

Watch Hillary’s welcome to the union video.

Jason Appasamy

Phone: 204-786-5055, ext. 206

Email Jason Appasamy

Jason Appasamy became a UFCW Local 832 member when he started working at Life’s Journey in 2012. He quickly became involved as a shop steward and as a health and safety committee member. Jason also sat on the negotiating committee during several rounds of negotiations. In 2015, he started doing relief work and working in all territories for the Local. He was hired as a full-time union representative in April 2020.

Watch Jason’s welcome to the union video.

Roberta Hoogervorst

Phone: 204-786-5055, ext. 218

Phone: 1-888-832-9832

Email Roberta Hoogervorst

Roberta has been a full-time Union Representative since January 2013. Previously, she worked at Sobeys IGA and Superstore and was actively involved with the union, serving as a shop steward, health and safety committee member and bargaining committee member. Being a union member while working at IGA and Superstore gives Roberta the experience of relating to the needs of UFCW 832’s members.

Watch Roberta’s welcome to the union video.

Sandy Forcier

Phone: 204-786-5055, ext. 211

Phone: 1-888-832-9832

Email Sandy Forcier

For nearly 15 years, Sandy Forcier was a member of UFCW Local 832 at Jack Forgan Meats, J.M. Schneiders, and Maple Leaf Meats. He was very active in the union, most notably in 1997, when he served as a picket captain during an 11-week strike at Jack Forgan. Sandy assisted members as assistant chief shop steward at J.M. Schneiders and at Maple Leaf Meats after that company purchased the Schneiders’ plant. Sandy was also active on union negotiating committees at both Schneiders and Maple Leaf, a joint labour committee, and job evaluation committee. Sandy first worked as a relieving union representative for UFCW Local 832 in 2003, serving members in the garment, retail, service and industrial sectors. He became a full-time representative in March, 2004.

Watch Sandy’s welcome to the union video.

Sharon Foster

Phone: 204-786-5055, ext. 222

Phone: 1-888-832-9832

Email Sharon Foster

Sharon Foster was hired as a relief representative in 2014. Before doing union rep work, Sharon had worked for the Local since 2000 as a support staff doing a variety of roles. Sharon has a strong understanding of collective agreements and will continue her learning working in all the territories in Winnipeg as a union representative.

Watch Sharon’s welcome to the union video.

Jason Hawkins

Phone: 204-786-5055, ext. 209

Phone: 1-888-832-9832

Email Jason Hawkins

Jason Hawkins first became a member of UFCW Local 832 as an employee at Federated Co-op. During his 17 years at Federated, he sat on the union negotiating committee and was a long-term shop steward and health and safety committee member. In 2013, Jason started working on special projects for the Local during the Vista Park Lodge strike. He then worked as a relief union representative in the red meat, poultry and retail sectors. He found this work very rewarding and was pleased that he was assisting union members at the various workplaces. Local 832 hired Jason as a full-time union representative in March 2014. Jason holds a multi-engine pilot’s licence and has volunteered as a caseworker with the Winnipeg Police Victim Services.

Watch Jason’s welcome to the union video.

Kim Ferris

Phone: 204-786-5055, ext. 217

Phone: 1-888-832-9832

Email Kim Ferris

Kim has been a member of UFCW Local 832 since 1997, when she started working at Integrated Messaging, Inc (IMI). She became active as a shop steward in 1999, served as co-Chair of her workplace health and safety committee and was also on the negotiations committee.

In 2003, Kim began serving as a Special Projects Union Representative (SPUR) working on many different organizing campaigns. She was also a Relief Union Representative and relieved for various workplace territories while in that role. In 2008, Kim was hired as a full-time union representative with Local 832. She has had several work sector territories since coming on staff and currently works with our members in the retail sector, including Sobeys, FreshCo and Red River Co-op.

Watch Kim’s welcome to the union video.

Mike Howden

Phone: 204-786-5055, ext. 258

Phone: 1-888-832-9832

Email Mike Howden

Since 1992 Mike has been a member of Local 832, when he started working at Sysco Food Services in Winnipeg. He was an active member within the union at the plant, he was elected by the members of Sysco as chief steward. As chief shop steward Mike was part of the bargaining committee for UFCW in 2008.
Before Mike joined the staff, he had assisted the organizing department working on several campaigns and helping unorganized members join the Local, he’s also been a relief representative for the Local addressing members’ questions and concerns. In 2011, Mike was hired as a full-time union representative for UFCW and has run many organizing campaigns and worked hard for his members across Manitoba.

Watch Mike’s welcome to the union video.

Brenda Brown

Phone: 204-727-7131, ext. 626

Email Brenda Brown

Brenda used to work at Carnation (now McCain Foods) in Carberry for 20 years under UFCW Local 798. For Local 798, she was a Shop Steward for 12 years and was on the health and safety committee along with co-chair of the executive board. She has been very active on several negotiating committees and passionate about helping the members. She’s always worked hard to represent members at joint labour management, job evaluations and reclassification. Brenda is well-versed in the Labour Relations Act and Employment Standards Code. She works hard to ensure members have a clear understanding of their Collective Agreements, Benefits and Workers rights. In 2003, Brenda joined the staff at UFCW Local 832 when Local 798 merged with Local 832.

Watch Brenda’s welcome to the union video.

Morag Stewart

Phone: 204-727-7131, ext. 625

Email Morag Stewart

Morag has been a UFCW member since 1978 when she started working at the Superstore in Brandon. A dedicated shop steward, Morag spent a lot of her time there assisting her co-workers and ensuring the collective agreement was adhered to. Morag was also part of three negotiating committees responsible for bargaining many of the hard fought gains in the Loblaw’s agreement. Before Morag was hired as a full-time staff rep for Local 832, she was an active vice-president on the Local’s executive board for 17 years.

Watch Morag’s welcome to the union video.