
COVID-19 Information & Update on Events at UFCW

RE:  COVID-19 Information & Update on Events at UFCW

Your wellness, health and safety is your Union’s top priority. The World Health Organization has declared COVID-19, or coronavirus, a pandemic: an outbreak of a disease that spreads across the world and affects a high percentage of the population. UFCW Canada and Local 832 are actively monitoring this issue and working with all of our employers to make sure all government recommended precautions are in place.

It is important at times like this that we care for and respect one another. It is also important to make sure that the information we are relying on is based on guidelines set out by Federal, Provincial & Municipal governments, as well as Health Canada and Manitoba Health. 

To help prevent transmission of COVID-19, you can take the following steps to help reduce the risks:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
  • Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if you are unable to wash hands.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are ill.
  • Stay home when you are ill.  If you believe you have been exposed contact Healthlinks at (204) 788-8200 or toll-free 1-888-315-9257.
  • If you are not ill, you do not need to wear a facemask.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, your sleeve, or arm (not your hands). Immediately throw used tissue in the trash, and wash or sanitize your hands.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces, e.g.; light switches, doorknobs, your cell phone, computer keyboard/mouse, car steering wheel, etc.
  • Avoid large gatherings.
  • Conduct your business over the phone, instead of doing it in-person, whenever possible.
  • Travel is not recommended outside of Canada for any of our members.

UFCW and other unions across Canada are calling on government to help workers protect each other and the communities we serve.

UFCW Local 832 is working with our National office, as well as your Employers to ensure our members’ safety and health are a top priority.  If you have any questions or concerns about the policies or processes that your workplace has put out, please contact us right away.

Upcoming Events, Classes and Meetings may be cancelled, postponed or changed to a different format.

Right now UFCW Local 832 is carefully reviewing all upcoming meetings & classes and will be cancelling, rescheduling or changing the way we hold these various events.  We will be making these decisions in accordance with information provided by Health Canada, Manitoba Health and other Federal, Provincial & Municipal government agencies. 

If you are scheduled to attend any upcoming classes or meetings, UFCW Local 832 will reach out to affected members to advise them of the changes. 

Activist Training and all member education at our Training Centres have been put on hold.

In keeping with Health Canada and UFCW protocols, all training has been cancelled for March and April in both Winnipeg and Brandon. The Training Centre will not be accepting any room booking during this time and have cancelled all non-essential bookings.  The Training Centre has already contacted all members who were scheduled for training and their Employers. If a member cannot be rescheduled to work, the Training Centre will pay any lost wages.

If your workplace is impacted by COVID-19 and layoffs occur, we can assist you

Please make sure your full-time Union Representative is made aware.  Members will be eligible to file a claim with Employment Insurance.  You can visit the website or call them:

Winnipeg: 204-948-4000
Rural and North: 1-877-812-0014

Opportunity for Employment (OFE) is a free employment service for our Winnipeg members.
OFE is open and operating as usual for now, but you should call or check their website before attending any appointments or classes as this may change.

(204) 925-3490


Rural and Northern members can check with local EIA office for employment support agencies or email Erin at erin.selby@ufcwtraining.mb.ca and she will assist you in finding a local employment support service.

Precautions & protocols are also being put together at all of our offices

As an Employer, we also need to ensure that our staff is safe and we are following all recommendations made by the government agencies listed above.  We are also aware that each work location will have different policies and protocols as well.  It is important that we all work together within all of these guidelines.

  • All non-essential travel for Union Staff has been cancelled/postponed.
  • Any Union Staff who is not feeling well is encouraged to work from home.
  • Additional cleaning processes have been implemented at all of our office locations.
  • Please call ahead to make an appointment if you want to see your Union Representative.
  • Members who are sick are not to attend meetings at our office. 
  • The Local is looking at different ways to conduct upcoming meetings where and when we can.
  • There may be disruptions with servicing, negotiations &/or arbitrations during this time.  We are working to make sure this is at a minimum and will reschedule as soon as possible.

Please continue to watch this website and social media for up to date information from the Local on changes/cancellations due to COVID-19

We would also direct you to the Manitoba Health website for updates at

Thank you 

Our membership consists of many frontline workers who are interacting with the public every day in various sectors.  We recognize, appreciate and want to thank you for all of the hard work you continue to do during this very difficult and uncertain time.  As this situation continues to evolve, we want to assure you that YOUR union will continue to be there for you and advocate for your rights.

In Solidarity,

Jeff Traeger